Style guide

This is official style guide for Strudel-specific code. If you use a Strudel in a project, it’s a great reference to avoid errors and anti-patterns. Of course depending on your needs or project you may want to deviate from the style guide based on your experience, tech stack or just personal opinion.

Check out the official Eslint plugin for Strudel to automate enforcing of the rules mentioned in this style guide. Go to Github page.


Importing DOM API as $

Enforces not using element export directly. Suggested approach is to import $ from Strudel or reassign your import to $.

Alasing makes DOM API more resembling jQuery API.

import { element } from "strudel";

import { element as $ } from "strudel";

import { $ } from "strudel";

@El property decorator on top of class

Enforces properties decorated with @El to be placed on top of the class. This takes precendence over all methods and properties.

This makes component classes easier to navigate as they follow specific structure.

class Test {
init() {}

@El('selector') property

class Test {
@El('.selector') property
@El('.selector2') property2

init() {}

@OnInit method as first in class

Enforces methods decorated with @OnInit to be first methods of class. Exception to this rule is init() method that if present should be always first method.

This makes component classes easier to navigate as they follow specific structure.

class Test {
method() {}

render() {}

class Test {
render() {}

method() {}

init as first method in class

Enforces init method being first method of class if used.

This makes component classes easier to navigate as they follow specific structure.

class Test {
render() {}

init() {}

class Test {
@El('.selector') $property
init() {}

class Test {
init() {}
render() {}

init used together with @OnInit

Enforces not using useless init method that can be replaced by using @OnInit decorator on appropriate method calls. It also prevents from leaving empty init method in class body.

This simplifies the code by pointing out the hook that could be written in more clear way instead of defining redundant method.

class Test {
init() {

class Test {
init() {}

class Test {
init() {
const props = this.$data.props;

class Test {
render() {}

@El declaration in single line with decorated variable

Enforces using @El decorator in single line with decorated property for best readability.

Higly opinionated, but increases the readability making the components more concise.

class TestClass {

class TestClass {
@El('selector') property