
As Strudel requires Babel to work and Webpack is often used in building the code in project, there are some manual steps involved in configuring this tools for development. To simplify the process Strudel comes with a CLI (Command Line Interface) which shortens the setup the process and provides a zero configuration option for kicking off new Strudel based projects.

Check out the Github page of Strudel CLI.

Getting started

To install the CLI you simply need to have Node.js >= 6.10 installed and run following command in your command line terminal.

$ npm install -g strudel-cli

It should make strudel application available and ready to be used.


As you accomplished the installation you can simply generate new project scaffolding by running new command:

$ strudel new webpack demo

Available Templates

CLI comes with a set of predefined templates, that should fit different kind of projects and scenarios, currently the available templates are:

Please refer to official GitHub page for more documentation.