
Dependency on decorators

Strudel API depends heavily on decorators which are experimental ECMAScript API (not standard part of ECMAScript spec yet - (decorators spec is a TC39 proposal in stage 2). ) so they are not natively supported by browser vendors

To be able to use Strudel you need a transpiler like Babel configured to use plugins that allows the usage of decorators and also class properties:

It’s recommended to use dedicated Babel preset for streamlined setup - take a look at babel-preset-strudel.

Browser support

Without polyfills Strudel supports all the modern browsers, but also Internet Explorer 11. It’s DOM API relies on DOM 4 spec. If lower browser support is required please use great tools like or other source of polyfills.

Starting project using CLI

CLI is recommended way of setting up a new Strudel project. It’s a dedicated tool that can quickly scaffold a project structure provisioning required Babel and Webpack configurations. New project can be created with few simple steps:

$ npm install --global strudel-cli
$ strudel new webpack my-project
$ cd my-project
$ npm install

You can read more about CLI in dedicated guide.

Starting from scratch

If none of the templates available for the CLI fits your purpose or you would simply like to start from scratch you can just use npm (or yarn) to install Strudel.

$ npm install strudel --save

Please mind though that after this step you are on your own and you will need to take care about Babel (you can use the official preset) and Webpack configuration.