
What is Strudel

Strudel (yup, exactly like a delicious 🇦🇹 layered pastry) is a lightweight component framework dedicated for back-end powered multi-page websites. Compared to the frameworks optimised for building Single Page Applications, Strudel is all about providing modern and lightweight way of providing interactivity to static HTML that is coming from the server.

So… yet another framework?

Kinda. The goal of Strudel is to not compete with React, Vue or Angular, but to provide a much modern approach to writing things like tabs, accordions on carousels than jQuery offers. So if you are looking for virtual DOM powered, reactive powerhouse you rather won’t find anything what you look for in Strudel.

However if you need a library for taking care of DOM nicer than the native API and that will help you organise your front-end code in your CMS-powered site or blog then you might find Strudel useful.

Getting started

Strudel is meant to be a component framework so to start let’s create a first component. As it was stated above, Strudel relies on markup being provided by the server - it can be hand coded, provided from a static site generator, or even CMS like Wordpress. Let’s start with a piece of HTML like this one:

<div class="greeter"></div>

Now to make our HTML interactive with JavaScript. Strudel is a component-based framework so every HTML found on a page, can become a component with it’s own interactive feats and JavaScript logic.

To define a component you simply need to create a class and wrap it with @Component decorator. Strudel relies heavily on ECMAScript decorators. Which are not yet standard API, but they are extremaly useful. With single line of code we can bind our JavaScript object with DOM.

class Greeter {


In Strudel components have lifecycle hooks that allows running logic when they are initialised or destroyed. To run code when the page has been loaded we need to implement init hook. We can also make use of Strudel’s DOM API to write code similar to jQuery so displaying “Hello world” message is pretty simple using .html() method:

class Greeter {
init() {
this.$element.html('Hello world!');

More decorators

First let’s expand our component’s HTML to have an additional input and a div elements that we will use. Something like:

<div class="greeter">
<input type="text" class="greeter__input">
<div class="greeter__output"></div>

Now our interactive bit would need to react to text being written. In Strudel easiest way to attach logic to DOM is via property decorators. There are two basic decorators - @El and @Evt for binding class methods to DOM elements and events. We would need to modify the code of our component to look like below.

class Greeter {
@El('.greeter__output') output
@El('.greeter__input') input

@Evt('keyup', '.greeter__input')
onKeyUp() {

Next steps

We’ve briefly introduced the most basic features of Strudel.js in this short example - the rest of guide will cover them in-depth and other advanced features with much finer details, so make sure to read through it all!